- Top and backing should have straight top and sides and be square (don’t leave bits hanging out when you add on borders or make backings). Mark the top middle of your quilt and backing with safety pins (with a note) if they are directional. Some aren’t obviously directional, so it is important you let me know. If you don’t give me your preference, I usually make the selvages top and bottom as they are straight for loading onto my machine.
- Scrappy backings have become very popular but it is important to remember you are making another quilt top and care should be taken that it is squared and lays flat.
- If your backing is not quite big enough or is the same size as the top, please don’t add a narrow piece around the outside. I can’t centre it perfectly and it won’t look as good on the back. If you can’t get the right size, consider putting a piece down the middle, or strips that look like + through the middle if it needs to be made bigger both ways.
- When choosing backing, think about the thread colour that will be used for quilting. For custom quilting, a multi coloured (busy) fabric is best to hide all of the stopping and starting.
- Check that your backing and wadding is at least 6 inches wider and longer than the quilt top. If it isn’t quite, please talk to me and we can see if we can make it work.
- Seams around the outside of the quilt need to be secure. This will stop stitches coming undone when it is pulled taut.
- While you’re ironing your quilt, please check that your seams are all stitched at least 1/8″ so they stay together. Use the best match thread you can and check your tension so your stitching doesn’t show on the quilt top.
- Leave your three layers separate like in the photo below. If you put the layers together, loose threads can come through onto the wadding and show through if the quilt top is light.
- Please don’t send a roll of wadding for me to cut from, I am short on space.
- Clip all loose threads from front & back. Threads are easier to remove before quilting. Threads left on the back of the quilt top show through if the fabric is light with dark thread. This also applies to pieced wadding.
- I receive a large variety of finishes and once I receive it, I’ll assume you’re happy with how it’s made. If there’s anything obvious I will fix it or check with you, but I always assume you’ve carefully checked your quilt top before I receive it.
- If you have appliqué or embroidery, please take a few minutes to check that you haven’t missed any sections. Embellishments like buttons and beads should be attached AFTER quilting.
- Digitally printed fabric can run when the industrial machine needle goes through it. Moslty, any runs repair themselves over time.
I am always happy to answer questions.
It is important to me that I will meet, or hopefully exceed your expectations.
Getting Quilts to Me
There are two lovely shops that are happy to accept quilts on my behalf to be picked up. They are:
Nel’s Fabric Place
188 Hoskins Street, Temora
02 69771760
Simply Stitches
39 Nordlingen Drive, Tolland (Wagga)
0439 416 040
If you leave a quilt with them, please put your name on the bag (please make sure the bad is big enough for the finished quilt), include your contact details and let me know so I can pick them up.
Once I have your quilt, I will contact you about how you would like it quilted and will give a firm quote. When I return the quilt to the shop for collection, I will include an invoice and let you know it is waiting. Payments are to be made directly to me. I prefer you buy your wadding from them to show support of this service they offer.
When you send quilts to me, please register and address to “Sarah Streifeneder”. This will provide the safest delivery. I pay for registered (signature on delivery) postage back to you. If you are driving through town, you can arrange to drop your quilt off and I may be able to have it ready when you are returning home.
And of course, my studio!
1 Meagher Street, Temora NSW 2666
Normal hours are 9-12 and 1-5 but it is always best to check before you come.
There is plenty of street parking, and a path down the left side of my home to my studio.My hours are flexible if you are coming through town outside normal business hours. Payment methods accepted are cheque and direct debit. Simply type “Temora Quilter” into Google Maps!